Hair Structure

Basic substance forming the hair structure is a protein called keratin. Keratin provides strength to the hair. Hair is some kind of waste material produced in hair cells. In other words it is dead. Keratin is also found in nail structure. Nail is also some kind of waste tissue. If the hair and nail are cut and kept somewhere, they do not grow, and this indicates that they are dead. For hair and nails to be healthy, the functions of the cells that produce them need to be good too. Keratin in the structure of hair and nails exposed to environmental factors (trauma, sunlight, chemical substances, etc.) begins to wear off. As a result of this, breaking and splitting may be seen.

Hair consists of 3 sections in vertical axis;
1. Upper Section: Section from the point where hair comes out of skin surface to the point where sebaceous gland is connected to hair follicle.
2. Mid Section: Section from the point where sebaceous gland is connected to hair follicle, to the point where the muscle erecting the hair follicle is connected to follicle.
3. Lower Section: Section from the point where the muscle erecting the hair follicle is connected to follicle to the floor of the area called hair bulb. There are hair matrix and dermal papilla cells in this area. Constituent of the hair, keratin, is produced by the cells here.